//SLUGens released under the GNU GPL as extensions for SuperCollider 3, by Nick Collins, http://composerprogrammer.com/index.html

WaveTerrain wave terrain synthesis

WaveTerrain.ar(bufnum=0, x, y, xsize=100, ysize=100, mul = 1.0, add = 0.0)

Specify a surface z(x,y) via a buffer and scan it from the x and y inputs. 

bufnum- Your surface is a two dimensional array, but specified via a one dimensional buffer. The convention is exhibited below; note that you have to pass in the surface dimensions as well. 

x,y- audio rate scanning instructions. Both values must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0, or they are wrapped into this range. 

//create buffer. I want the equation z = 2*(((x/100)**2) + ((abs(sin(10*y))/50)**(1/3)))-1

//over a 100 by 50 area

//2d to 1d conversion follows index= y*rowlength+ x


var width= 100; //= num cols

var height=50; //=num rows, though indexing bottom to top; i.e., standard Cartesian co-ordinates

a=Array.fill(width*height,{arg i; 

var xnow, ynow, x, y; 

xnow= i%width;

ynow= (i-xnow).div(width);



2*(((x)**2) + ((abs(sin(10*y)))**(1/3)))-1


b=Buffer.sendCollection(s, a, 1);


//test scanning; you can't move fast enough... scan controls should also be audio rate!

{WaveTerrain.ar(b.bufnum,MouseX.kr(0.0,1.0), MouseY.kr(0.0,1.0),100,50)}.play

//LFNoise adds some drift to explore the landscape more

{WaveTerrain.ar(b.bufnum,SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(1,200,'exponential')).abs + LFNoise2.ar(2),SinOsc.ar(MouseY.kr(1,300,'exponential'),pi*0.5).abs,100,50)}.play

//change surface equation


var width= 100; //= num cols

var height=50; //=num rows, though indexing bottom to top; i.e., standard Cartesian co-ordinates

a=Array.fill(width*height,{arg i; 

var xnow, ynow, x, y; 

xnow= i%width;

ynow= (i-xnow).div(width);



(((cos(5*x+1.7))**3) - ((abs(sin(23*y)))**(1/3)))




//change surface equation


var width= 100; //= num cols

var height=50; //=num rows, though indexing bottom to top; i.e., standard Cartesian co-ordinates

a=Array.fill(width*height,{arg i; 

var xnow, ynow, x, y; 

xnow= i%width;

ynow= (i-xnow).div(width);



(((1.3*(cos(rrand(1,2)*x+1.7))**2) - ((abs(sin(rrand(1.2,4.9)*y)))**(1/2)))).max(-1.0).min(1.0)


