//SLUGens released under the GNU GPL as extensions for SuperCollider 3, by Nick Collins, http://composerprogrammer.com/index.html

VMScan2D 2D scanning pattern virtual machine

#x,y= VMScan2D.ar(bufnum, fairness, mul, add)

Converts a buffer of virtual machine instructions into the synthesis of a 2D path.

bufnum- Number of buffer holding instructions on the server in the form of successive COMMAND/PARAM PAIRS

The limited command set: 

0 interpolate from last to new point over PARAM *5000 samples (ie down to about 10 Hz, sampling rate dependent) 

1 new random point from (PARAM.rand,PARAM.rand)

2 new point by perturbing last point by PARAM

3 new point by interpolating from last point to its inversion (x,y) -> (1.0-x, 1.0-y)

4 new point by interpolating (t=PARAM) last two points

5 new point by scaling last point (multiply both x and y), scaling= PARAM

6 new x position for point at PARAM

7 new y position for point at PARAM

8 do next command if probability PARAM

9 goto instruction PARAM within the buffer

In most cases, sensible values for PARAM are from 0.0 to 1.0!  But instruction 9 will need much larger address values. 

Scanning paths are generated from successions of straight line segments. 

fairness- If 0.0, interpolation is equal in x and y; if 1.0, y just leaps, x even; -1.0 x just leaps, y even



//create instruction set; just interpolate (0,0) -> (1,1) -> (0,1) -> (1,0) and loop, with 441 sample interpolation between each point


d=Buffer.sendCollection(s, c, 1);


//create buffer for wave terrain. I want the equation z = 2*(((x/100)**2) + ((abs(sin(10*y))/50)**(1/3)))-1

//over a 100 by 50 area

//2d to 1d conversion follows index= y*rowlength+ x


var width= 100; //= num cols

var height=50; //=num rows, though indexing bottom to top; i.e., standard Cartesian co-ordinates

a=Array.fill(width*height,{arg i; 

var xnow, ynow, x, y; 

xnow= i%width;

ynow= (i-xnow).div(width);



2*(((x)**2) + ((abs(sin(10*y)))**(1/3)))-1


b=Buffer.sendCollection(s, a, 1);



//test scanning virtual machine


var scan2d, wt; 

scan2d= VMScan2D.ar(d.bufnum); 




//create instruction set; just interpolate (0,0) -> (1,1) -> (0,1) -> (1,0) and loop, with 441 sample interpolation between each point





//mouse control of path extent


var scan2d, wt; 

scan2d= VMScan2D.ar(d.bufnum); 



//random instruction sets


c=Array.fill(50,{arg i; if(i.even,{9.rand},{1.0.rand})});

Post << c << nl;  //in case you like one





inf.do {

c=Array.fill(50,{arg i; if(i.even,{9.rand},{1.0.rand})});








//change terrain! 


var width= 100; //= num cols

var height=50; //=num rows, though indexing bottom to top; i.e., standard Cartesian co-ordinates

a=Array.fill(width*height,{arg i; 

var xnow, ynow, x, y; 

xnow= i%width;

ynow= (i-xnow).div(width);



(((1.3*(cos(rrand(1,2)*x+1.7))**2) - ((abs(sin(rrand(1.2,4.9)*y)))**(1/2)))).max(-1.0).min(1.0)




//more considerate construction of instruction sets


c= Array.fill(40,{arg i; if(i.odd,{if(0.6.coin,{[0,exprand(0.005,0.5)]}, {[8,rrand(0.1,1.0),9,2*rrand(0,15)]})},{if(0.6.coin,{[[1,3,4,5].choose,[exprand(0.1,1.0),rrand(0.1,1.0),exprand(0.01,0.2)].choose]},{[6,1.0.rand,7,1.0.rand]})}); }).flatten.postln;

Post << (c[0..79]) << nl;





c= [ 5, 0.045032007298424, 0, 0.16829266097, 4, 0.21671941633821, 0, 0.097617059383181, 3, 0.039779075792183, 8, 0.60886644124985, 9, 28, 6, 0.6432192325592, 7, 0.42085599899292, 0, 0.49528216896303, 4, 0.99470864534378, 8, 0.84870989322662, 9, 12, 1, 0.47667115650489, 0, 0.49904105498093, 6, 0.78044593334198, 7, 0.5973949432373, 0, 0.0079938346573139, 6, 0.49935853481293, 7, 0.26820993423462, 0, 0.30518372109199, 6, 0.35976254940033, 7, 0.091889262199402, 0, 0.012580000107232, 6, 0.39456367492676, 7, 0.071749925613403, 8, 0.15818494558334, 9, 16, 6, 0.59569001197815, 7, 0.30783140659332, 8, 0.36180495023727, 9, 14, 3, 0.66818692684174, 8, 0.75634309053421, 9, 8, 6, 0.53690254688263, 7, 0.59401845932007, 0, 0.27458241967347, 4, 0.18244198560715, 8, 0.13642364740372, 9, 30, 6, 0.92603194713593, 7, 0.28209984302521, 0, 0.0090666346152647, 6, 0.078964591026306, 7, 0.50376713275909, 0, 0.077060097964172, 1, 0.94782749414444, 0, 0.012215198751997, 5, 0.08951347633044, 0, 0.23426103829321, 5, 0.97009623442827, 8, 0.95121469497681, 9, 12, 6, 0.30078971385956, 7, 0.27361023426056, 8, 0.56096186637878, 9, 16 ];





c=[ 1, 0.012401115664331, 0, 0.0085625787306813, 6, 0.92073178291321, 7, 0.92452263832092, 0, 0.0067897107572423, 6, 0.52498006820679, 7, 0.89580702781677, 0, 0.0080293935557327, 1, 0.76127503778645, 8, 0.50952353477478, 9, 4, 1, 0.011272358865916, 8, 0.49296754598618, 9, 30, 5, 0.5126657733169, 8, 0.53715790510178, 9, 2, 5, 0.11751061316084, 0, 0.027315109664648, 6, 0.23468768596649, 7, 0.71995985507965, 0, 0.20785921190348, 6, 0.80761659145355, 7, 0.14734661579132, 0, 0.21667175878798, 6, 0.82812416553497, 7, 0.555588722229, 0, 0.26813978221146, 6, 0.62556290626526, 7, 0.89661765098572, 0, 0.0085612522419438, 6, 0.77029120922089, 7, 0.77577233314514, 0, 0.035287317732313, 5, 0.58347815275192, 0, 0.17061046232705, 6, 0.30991017818451, 7, 0.89471626281738, 8, 0.29139889478683, 9, 12 ];





c=[ 6, 0.62479221820831, 7, 0.84334719181061, 0, 0.12737253976876, 1, 0.34590717554092, 8, 0.90837938785553, 9, 14, 3, 0.64444444179535, 0, 0.0076382220180926, 6, 0.21171295642853, 7, 0.061154127120972, 0, 0.087469286732226, 5, 0.90200103839312, 8, 0.80244028568268, 9, 20, 4, 0.13062523433243, 0, 0.040084850746492, 1, 0.3471907625919, 0, 0.2711738771992, 5, 0.051819064032369, 0, 0.3250898321643, 4, 0.6964198589325, 8, 0.80261430740356, 9, 0, 1, 0.18071593046188, 8, 0.77187951803207, 9, 0, 1, 0.38054929971695, 8, 0.10199545621872, 9, 6, 5, 0.1556055188179, 0, 0.0079423607059602, 1, 0.16413666490274, 0, 0.015987433587358, 6, 0.89596319198608, 7, 0.27058398723602, 0, 0.096067733476108, 6, 0.81998920440674, 7, 0.4519407749176, 0, 0.35322635035146, 4, 0.025783616661822 ];



//additional ideas: polar co-ordinates, scanning paths on circle boundaries connecting two last points?