//SLUGens released under the GNU GPL as extensions for SuperCollider 3, by Nick Collins, http://composerprogrammer.com/index.html
TwoTube physical modeling simulation; two tubes
TwoTube.ar(input=0, k=0.01, loss=1.0, d1length=100,d2length=100, mul = 1.0, add = 0.0)
Physical model; two tube sections with scattering junction inbetween; their relative areas determine k.
input- Excitation to inject into the system
k- Scattering coefficient for junction of two tubes, usually -1<=k<=1
loss- Amplitude loss factor in circulation
d1length- Length in samples of first delay line
d2length- Length in samples of second delay line (no interpolation implemented yet)
var delay1, delay2, source;
//k from -1 to 1
//in samples
delay1= 100;
delay2= 40;
source= WhiteNoise.ar(0.5)*EnvGen.ar(Env([1,1,0],[(delay1+delay2)/SampleRate.ir,0.0]), Impulse.kr(MouseY.kr(1,4)));
SynthDef(\twotube,{arg delay1=100, delay2=50, k=0.0, loss=0.999, dur=0.5, pan=0.0;
var source;
//k from -1 to 1
source= WhiteNoise.ar(0.5)*EnvGen.ar(Env([1,1,0,0],[(delay1+delay2)/SampleRate.ir,0.0,1.0]));
Synth(\twotube,[\delay1, rrand(1,300),\delay2, rrand(1,300),\loss, rrand(0.9,0.999),\dur, rrand(0.1,5.0), \pan, rrand(-1,1.0), \k, rrand(-1,1.0)]);