Sieve1 Fuzzy sieve based synthesis,gap, mul, add )
Implementation of Xenakis's idea of sieve based synthesis, generalized to use fuzzy (probabilistic) sieves. Sieves are stored in buffers and can be dynamically swapped.
Ariza, Chris 2009 “Sonifying Sieves: Synthesis and Signal Processing Applications of the Xenakis Sieve with Python and Csound.” In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. San Francisco: International Computer Music Association.
//MUST be a buffer with data in format [sizeofcurrentsieve,sieveentry1,sieveentry2,...] where currentsize always less than initially allocated buffer length -1.
b = Buffer.alloc(s,300);
b.setn(0, [88]++({[0.1.rand,0.5.rand].wchoose([0.8,0.2])}!88))
//dynamically swap buffer
b.setn(0, [8]++(1.0!8))
b.setn(0, [8]++({rrand(0.1,1.0)}!8))
b.setn(0, [18]++({[0.0,1.0].choose}!18))
b.setn(0, [188]++({[0.0,rrand(0.96,1.0)].wchoose([0.3,0.7])}!188))