WaveLoss Lose bits of your waves

WaveLoss.ar(in, drop, outof, mode, mul, add)

Uses the zero-crossings to divide an audio stream into tiny segments, and simply discards a fraction of the segments (replacing them with silence). The technique was described in a lecture by Trevor Wishart.

Parameters: the filter drops drop out of outof chunks. mode can be 1 to drop chunks in a simple deterministic fashion (e.g. always dropping the first 30 out of a set of 40 segments), or 2 to drop chunks randomly but in an appropriate proportion.



// Move the mouse left/right to see the gradation of the effect. 

// Move up or down to choose mode. The modes sound very different.


x = {

var sig, mode;

sig = [SinOsc.ar, PinkNoise.ar].mean;

mode = MouseY.kr(1,2).round;

WaveLoss.ar(sig, MouseX.kr(0, 40), 40, mode: mode, mul: 0.1);




// Plotting shows quite clearly what's going on:



var sig;

sig = [SinOsc.ar, PinkNoise.ar].mean;

[sig, WaveLoss.ar(sig, 20, 40, mode: 2)];



// A stereo example, evolves over a couple of minutes - specify a breakbeat loop sample below, sounds good

b = Buffer.read(s,"sounds/amenfast.wav"); // remember to free the buffer later.


x = {

var sig, mode, woo;

sig = PlayBuf.ar(1, b.bufnum, BufRateScale.kr(b.bufnum) * 0.75, startPos: 92898, loop: 1);

woo = {


EnvGen.kr(Env.new([199, 199, 150, 150, 199, 250], [20, 40, 60, 60, 100]), doneAction:2)

+ (FSinOsc.kr(0.2 + XLine.kr(0.001, [1.3, 1.7], 90), 0, 50) * XLine.kr(0.00000001, 1, 60))


200, mode: 2, mul: 0.4);


woo = (woo * 0.9) + (woo.reverse * 0.1);



