SOMTrain three-dimensional example
In this example of SOMTrain in action, we create a 3D neural net and fit it to a data set which is a 3D lumpy mattress in a 4D space - it should be OK for a 3D SOM to fit to the hills and valleys. This is similar to SOMTrain_2D_example
~numnodes = 15;
~traindur = 100000;
~dataspacelength = 100;
~dataspacechanwidth = 10;
// First create the data (the third dimension is just amplitude in this case, so we don't store it: ~dataspace is 2D)
~dataspace = Buffer.alloc(s, ~dataspacelength, ~dataspacechanwidth);
~data = ~dataspacechanwidth.collect{|index| ((0..~dataspacelength)*2*pi/~dataspacelength).sin * ((8 * index/~dataspacechanwidth).sin) }
//~data.heatMap(title: "training data (array)"); // You need the "heatMap" quark to run this line - visualises the data nicely
//~dataspace.heatMap(title: "training data (buffer)");
// Allocate space for the SOM, and initialise it
~som = SOMTrain.allocBuf(s, ~numnodes, 3, 4);
SOMTrain.initBufGridRand(~som, ~numnodes, 3); // 3D grid, randomly oriented in the 4D space
// Also, just for demonstration purposes, we're going to write the error values to a buffer so we can see how they evolve
~errorvals = Buffer.alloc(s, ~traindur);
// Now train the SOM. To train it with data "randomly sampled" from the data buffer, we just wiggle the phase around and feed [phase, val] to the SOM.
x = {
var phase1, phase2, thirddim, val, remain, err, trig;
trig = 1;
phase1 =, ~dataspace.numFrames-1);
phase2 =, ~dataspace.numChannels);
thirddim =, 1);
val =,, ~dataspace, phase1, 1)) * thirddim;
phase1.poll(trig, label: "phase1");
phase2.poll(trig, label: "phase2");
val.poll(trig, label: "val");
// Here the ranges are reshaped to be +-1
# remain, err =, [phase1 * 0.02 - 1, phase2 * 0.2 - 1, thirddim, val], ~numnodes, 3, ~traindur, nhood: 0.5, gate: trig, initweight: 0.5);
remain.poll(trig, label: "remain");
err.poll(trig, label: "err");, ~errorvals, ~traindur-remain);, * 0.01));
// Once the training is finished...;
// How do the errors look? Should be a very noisy curve gradually decreasing, but won't necessarily stabilise
~errorvals.plot(maxval: nil, minval: nil);
// Now let's look at the mesh of points represented by the SOM. Do they fit the training data?
o =;
~som.loadToFloatArray(action: {|arr|
var x, y, w, z;
x = arr[0,4..];
y = arr[1,5..];
w = arr[2,6..];
z = arr[3,7..];
"x range: % to %".format(x.minItem, x.maxItem).postln;
"y range: % to %".format(y.minItem, y.maxItem).postln;
"w range: % to %".format(w.minItem, w.maxItem).postln;
"z range: % to %".format(z.minItem, z.maxItem).postln;
x = x.clump(~numnodes);
y = y.clump(~numnodes);
w = w.clump(~numnodes);
z = z.clump(~numnodes);
o.("figure; hold on");
// Plot the SOM slice by slice{|offset|
o[\xtemp] = x[offset, offset + ~numnodes .. ];
o[\ytemp] = y[offset, offset + ~numnodes .. ];
o[\wtemp] = w[offset, offset + ~numnodes .. ];
o[\ztemp] = z[offset, offset + ~numnodes .. ];
o.("mesh(xtemp, ytemp, ztemp)");