PV_SpectralMap maps the spectral envelope of one FFT

process onto another (acts as a spectral


WARNING: Use of a FFTs with a large window size may cause CPU spikes.

PV_SpectralMap(buffer, specBuffer, floor, freeze, reject)

buffer - the FFT buffer to filter

specBuffer - the FFT buffer to derive the spectral curve from

floor - the spectral curve is a normalized representation of the magnitudes in specBuffer (between 0 

and 1). if floor > 0, mags in the spectral curve BELOW this number are also zeroed out.

freeze - if > 0, freeze the current spectral curve. The 'floor' parameter is ignored once the spectral

curve is frozen.

mode - if mode == 0, PV_SpectralMap does not have any effect. > 0 acts as a bandpass filter, < 0 

a bandreject.

norm - normalization mode. If <=0, the specBuffer's magnitudes are normalized on a frame by

fram basis. >0, normalized according to the the sum of the FFT window's sample values.

window - the window used for the FFT - this will effect scaling if norm is > 0.




z = Buffer.read(s, "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");


x = SynthDef(\specMap, {arg sndBuf, freeze = 0;

var a, b, chain1, chain2, out;

a = LocalBuf.new(2048);

b = LocalBuf.new(2048);

chain1 = FFT(a, LFSaw.ar(120)); // to be filtered

chain2 = FFT(b, PlayBuf.ar(1, z, 1, loop: 1));

// mouse x to play with floor. 

chain1 = PV_SpectralMap(chain1, chain2, 0.0, freeze, MouseX.kr(-1, 1), 1);

out = IFFT(chain1);

Out.ar(0, out.dup);

}).play(s, [\sndBuf, z, \freeze, 0])


x.set(\freeze, 1)

x.set(\freeze, 0);

