BFDecode1 3D Ambisonic decoder, x, y, z, azimuth, elevation, wComp)

Decode a two dimensional ambisonic B-format signal for any speaker arrangement

w, x, y, z - the B-format signals. All of these MUST be audio rate signals. If you want to zero one out, use

azimuth - the angle from 0pi front and center of the speaker.  Can be an array of angles.

elevation - the angle from 0pi center of the speaker.  Can be an array of angles.

wComp - chooses how the W channels is scaled. If 0, a scaler of 0.707 is used. If 1, W is varied according to the scaling of the X, Y and Z channels. 1 is the default.

Because of the way the W component is scaled, it is recommended that you only decode with BFEncode signals with BFDecode1 and it's methods.




var w, x, y, z, p, a, b, c, d;

p =; // source

// B-format encode

#w, x, y, z =,, pi),, -0.25pi), 1); 

// B-format decode to cube / quad ([lfh, rfh, rrh, lrh, lfl, rfl, rrl, lrl])

// lfl = left fron high, lfl = left front low etc..., x, y, z, 

[-0.25pi, 0.25pi, 0.75pi, 1.25pi,-0.25pi, 0.25pi, 0.75pi, 1.25pi], 




3D Ambisonic decoder with compensation for speakers at different distances (delay and intenisty caluclated for meters)

BFDecode1.ar1(w, x, y, z, azimuth, elevation, maxDist, distance)

Decode a two dimensional ambisonic B-format signal for any speaker arrangement

w, x, y, z - the B-format signals. 

azimuth - the angle from 0pi front and center of the speaker.  Can be an array of angles.

elevation - the angle from 0pi center of the speaker.  Can be an array of angles.

maxDist - the distance (in meters) to the furthest speaker from center (this allocates the delay size)

distance - the distance (in meteres) to each speaker.

scaleflag - if 1, apply amplitude scaling to the closest signals to match more distant speakers




var w, x, y, z, p;

p = *, pi, -0.2, 0.2); // source

// B-format encode

#w, x, y, z =,, 0.5pi), 0, 1); 

// B-format decode to stereo with speakers at different distances

BFDecode1.ar1(w, x, y, z, [-0.25pi, 0.25pi], 0, 10, [, 10), 10]);

