//SLUGens released under the GNU GPL as extensions for SuperCollider 3, by Nick Collins, http://composerprogrammer.com/index.html

SortBuf Karplus-Strong via a sorting algorithm

SortBuf.ar(bufnum, sortrate, reset)

In this UGen a target buffer gets sorted into increasing sample values over time- the sorting process causes gradual distortion. The sorting algorithm used is just a naive one of O(N^2) so effects are very dependent on sample length and sorting speed. It works best with small buffers and large sorting speeds will make it very CPU intensive.  

SortBuf assumes that the sample rate of the target buffer is the same as the soundcard output sample rate. 

bufnum- target buffer, will be overwritten by the procedure. 

sortrate- number of sorting iterations per play through of the buffer

reset- restart the sorting procedure. 


b= Buffer.read(s,"sounds/break",20000,10000);

//gradual erosion


SynthDef("help-sortbuf",{arg bufnum;





}).play(s,[\bufnum, b.bufnum]);


c= Buffer.read(s,"sounds/break",20000,10000);

c.copy(b); //restore buffer

//short 2000 sample buffer sorted over about 10 seconds

b= Buffer.read(s,"sounds/break",20000,2000);



s = Server.local;

b = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1);

c = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1);

b.sine1(1.0/[1,2,3,4,5,6], true, true, true);

c.sine1(1.0/[1,2,3,4,5,6], true, true, true);



SynthDef("help-sortbuf2",{ arg out=0,bufnum=0;

SortBuf.ar(b.bufnum,1000,1); //attacking b over time



Osc.ar(b.bufnum, MouseX.kr(20,100), 0, 0.5)

// , MouseY.kr(200,4000),0.1)


}).play(s,[\out, 0]);


c.copyData(b); //restore buffer