PV_BufRd plays FFT data from a memory buffer

PV_BufRd will play back FFT data stored to a buffer with PV_RecordBuf.

WARNING: Resynth of a FFTs with large window sizes may cause CPU spikes.

PV_RecordBuf stores FFT data to a buffer for use by a number of PV UGens. See also PV_RecordBuf, PV_PlayBuf, PV_BinPlayBuf and PV_BinBufRd.

PV_PlayBuf(buffer, playbuf, point, hop, wintype)

buffer - the FFT buffer to fill data into

playbuf - the buffer to read frames of FFT data fram.

point - a value between 0.0 and 1.0. 0.0 is the beginning of the file, 1.0 the end. Values greater then 1.0

or less then 0.0 are wrapped into this range.



// anazlyze a soundfile and store its data to a buffer

s = Server.local;



var sf;

// path to a sound file here

p = "sounds/a11wlk01.wav";

// the frame size for the analysis - experiment with other sizes (powers of 2)

f = 1024; 

// the hop size

h = 0.25;

// get some info about the file

sf = SoundFile.new( p );



// allocate memory to store FFT data to... SimpleNumber.calcPVRecSize(frameSize, hop) will return 

// the appropriate number of samples needed for the buffer

y = Buffer.alloc(s, sf.duration.calcPVRecSize(f, h));

// allocate the soundfile you want to analyze

z = Buffer.read(s, p);


// this does the analysis and saves it to buffer 1... frees itself when done


SynthDef("pvrec", { arg recBuf=1, soundBufnum=2;

var in, chain, bufnum;

bufnum = LocalBuf.new(1024);

Line.kr(1, 1, BufDur.kr(soundBufnum), doneAction: 2);

in = PlayBuf.ar(1, soundBufnum, BufRateScale.kr(soundBufnum), loop: 0);

// note the window type and overlaps... this is important for resynth parameters

chain = FFT(bufnum, in, 0.25, 1); 

chain = PV_RecordBuf(chain, recBuf, 0, 1, 0, 0.25, 1);

// no ouput ... simply save the analysis to recBuf



a = Synth("pvrec", [\recBuf, y, \soundBufnum, z]);

// you can save your 'analysis' file to disk! I suggest using float32 for the format

// These can be read back in using Buffer.read

y.write(p++".scpv", "wav", "float32");

// play your analysis back ... see the playback UGens listed above for more examples.


SynthDef("pvplay", { arg out=0, recBuf=1;

var in, chain, bufnum;

bufnum = LocalBuf.new(1024);

chain = PV_BufRd(bufnum, recBuf, MouseX.kr(0.0, 1.0));

Out.ar(out, IFFT(chain, 1).dup);



b = Synth("pvplay", [\out, 0, \bufnum, x, \recBuf, y]);

// stop the synth
