PVInfo return mag and freq data from a CSound pv

#mag, freq = PVInfo.ar(pvbuffer, binNum, filePointer, mul, add )

#mag, freq = PVInfo.kr(pvbuffer, binNum, filePointer, mul, add )

Here is a short prose explanation of what the UGen does, and any other relevant points.

pvbuffer - explanation of pvbuffer. Default value is nil.

binNum - explanation of binNum. Default value is 0.

filePointer - explanation of filePointer. Default value is 0.

mul - explanation of mul. Default value is 1.

add - explanation of add. Default value is 0.

See also:  PVSynth, PVFile

s = Server.local.boot;

// load a file and save it to a buffer

a = PVFile.new("sounds/cl-c4.pv", s).loadToBuffer;

// what this example does


x = SynthDef(\helpPVSynth, {arg scale = 1;

var src, filts, mag, freq, point;

src = WhiteNoise.ar;

point = MouseX.kr(0, 1);

filts = Mix.fill(100, {arg i;

#mag, freq = PVInfo.ar(a.buffer, i + 5, point);

BPF.ar(src, freq, 0.001, mag);


Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(filts * a.magScale * scale), 0.0);

}).play(s, [\scale, 2]);

