MonoGrainBF granulates real-time input with Ambisonic panning, winsize, grainrate, winrandpct, azimuth, azrand, elevation, elrand, rho, mul, add)

in - a mono input

winsize - the window size in seconds

grainrate - the rate of which new grains are created (in Hz)

winrandpct - a randomness factor for window size (as a percentage of the winsize)

azimuth - in radians, -pi to pi

azrand - percentage of deviation from the azimuth

elevation - in radians, -0.5pi to 0.5pi

elrand - percentage of deviation from the elevation

rho - the speaker radius.  (1 places shound at the radius, <1 within the radius, >1 is outside the radius)

beyond the radius, this mostly acts as an amplitude scaler (no filtering is done).




s.sendMsg(\b_allocRead, 0, "sounds/a11wlk01-44_1.aiff", 0, -1);

SynthDef(\monograinbf, {arg buffer = 0;

var w, x, y, z, out, winsize, grainrate, azimuth, azrand;

winsize = 0.04;

grainrate = 100;

azimuth =, pi); // move around the radius

azrand =, 1); // 0 = no randomness, 1 = totally random

#w, x, y, z =, buffer, loop: 1), winsize, grainrate, 0, azimuth, azrand);

out =, w, x, y, 0.5);, out);



s.sendMsg(\s_new, \monograinbf, 1000, 0, 0, \buffer, 0);

s.sendMsg(\n_free, 1000);

s.sendMsg(\b_free, 0);