BufGrain granular synthesis with sound sampled in a buffer

 *ar(trigger, dur, sndbuf, rate, pos, interp, mul, add) 

trigger - a kr or ar trigger to start a new grain. If ar, grains after the start of the synth are sample accurate.

The following args are polled at grain creation time

dur - size of the grain.

sndbuf - the buffer holding an audio signal

rate - the playback rate of the sampled sound

pos - the playback position for the grain to start with (0 is beginning, 1 is end of file)

interp - the kind of interpolation for the sampled sound in the grain (1 - none, 2 - linear, 4 - cubic)



SynthDef(\buf_grain_test, {arg gate = 1, sndbuf, amp = 1;


BufGrain.ar(Impulse.kr(10), 0.2, sndbuf, MouseX.kr(0.5, 8), PinkNoise.kr.range(0, 1), 2,


Env([0, 1, 0], [1, 1], \sin, 1),


levelScale: amp,

doneAction: 2)




s.sendMsg(\b_allocRead, z = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), "sounds/a11wlk01-44_1.aiff");

s.sendMsg(\s_new, \buf_grain_test, a=s.nextNodeID, 0, 1, \amp, 0.2, \sndbuf, z);

s.sendMsg(\n_set, a, \gate, 0);

s.sendMsg(\b_free, z);